Monday, April 16, 2007


由丹麦的Tools Design设计,内外皆采用不锈钢,可以装1.1公斤的冷饮或热饮,耐摔防碎,具有独特专利的防测漏回流设计,确保不会滴到桌布上,加上极美的线条造型,使它获得了2000年Form设计奖、2001年IF设计奖等辉煌纪录。

1 comment:

Ngân Hà Xanh said...

If you do specialist services, the installation of a central vacuum (máy hút chân không ) can be carried out by the majority of saturday or sunday warriors. Every day do-it-yourself characters will need basically pursue quicks guidelines get going on the path to a new cleanser, much better home.